Monday, December 08, 2008

An email to Rush:
Dear Rush, I'm 43. I have listened to you since 1988. You've changed my life; you have shaped my views; you have given me hope amongst lots of challenges. I met a girl I never thought I would meet. I fell in love with her and her family. We discussed a few political issues, and I knew we were opposite, but I supported everything she presented to me....She came in one afternoon and heard that I had you on the radio. She left the next day without saying anything. She called three days later to break it off, saying that if I listened to you, I was too right-wing and she could never be with me. I loved this girl and her family, no matter what their issues were... I will never change my core beliefs. I have never personally judged a loved one for theirs."
- Christopher

Said Rush:
Your heart may be broken, you may be in pain you have never felt before because love is one of these emotions that we cannot control. We can't go out and decide on the spot, "Hey, I want to be in love," and do it....You're trying to figure these people out; you're trying to figure out their intolerance. There's no rational explanation for it. You will go nuts trying to understand. The best that you can do is to understand they have a false sense of superiority, they think they're smarter and better than everybody else.


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