Monday, April 14, 2008

10.14.08. Overkill on the job, need to take a personal furlough, recharge the batteries. That was something they taught you in track training, tapering, relaxing- give yourself some time to breathe. Figure I’ll need to buy a pair of track shoes, once a runner. Haven’t touched it for a decade, but you can’t leave it behind- it’s a part of who you are. Like biting into an apricot and recalling when you were 10 years old in Los Altos hills. I always liked that Halloween the best in Los Altos, they really got into it. The multipurpose room was decorated for the times. Each year Ms. Marley’s sixth grade class was responsible for decorating. Those were the days when you had to have something for everyone in the class. Write out their names too.


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