Tuesday, April 15, 2008

10.19.08. In the old days Reagan speech- writer Peggy Noonan was a hero to young conservatives; now she is a miserable disappointment, and doing her best to get Obama get elected. How is the country going to benefit from more taxes and a neutered army? This doesn’t surprise me though- Noonan, surrounded by the Soviet red county constituents of New York City, has been captured by the other side.

And Colin Powell’s decision today to back Barack is another example of phony conservatism. Powell dismisses the Ayers ties as a scare tactic and irrelevant. The scum who attempted bombing the Pentagon and then later hosted Obama’s coming out party is irrelevant? Another turncoat of Americanism… Alec Baldwin is correct Sarah Palin is way hotter than Tina Fey.


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