Wednesday, April 09, 2008

8.03.08.My internet don’t work right Sunday evenings. The roommate says because everyone in the building is using the net Sunday nights and it jams the signal which sounds like a load of crap. My last place in Santa Monica never had that problem, not in Silverlake or Hollywood either. So what’s a do- it yourselfer going to do. Well he ain't going to sit on his duff, you can count on that. At the Arclight gift depot they have a range of humorous and inspirational refrigerator magnets and there was a John Wayne one I saw I was partial to. Johnny was riding a horsy and the words said something to the effect, “ fear is never half so bad when you face it.” This is the type of fortune cookie advice you clutch when the bible is on the other side of the room. It is hot and muggy in the city of angels, at least in this room. Dripping, sticking, fan whirring blowing everything off my workshop desk.


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