Saturday, April 12, 2008

8.28.08.I want to see a man of color in the White House but not because it would be a superficial change from the 43 presidents we’ve had in our nation’s history. I want him there because he earned it through experience and judgment and that’s why I can’t celebrate and weep tears of ecstasy after Barack, the Messiah’s, speech in Denver. If America votes on appearances and false promises alone, Barack will be our next president. He is better looking than the old white guy and he can read from a teleprompter. Barrack can raise millions of dollars by pledging “change” and “hope.” The problem is that you can’t elect a politician on his words and promises. A politician will lie to your face to get your vote; on the campaign trail he’s like the frat boy who’ll say anything to get into the cheerleader’s skirt.

You must examine the politician’s accomplishments, his associations and his record before selecting him to be your leader. Looking at Barack’s record you can tell he does not have the experience or judgment to be the 44th president. Four years in the US Senate with the most leftwing voting record in modern times, don’t qualify you. Opposing the Iraq war and defeating Saddam Hussein don’t qualify you. Being dear friends with proud terrorists like Bill Ayres and hate mongers like Reverend Wright don’t qualify you. Insulting George Bush and Dick Cheney after they protected us from another al Qaeda attack for 7 years don’t qualify you to be the 44th president. So even if Obama is our next president, I won’t celebrate. He’ll have to earn that respect by being more like McCain.


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