Friday, April 04, 2008

5.4.08. Took my Ma and Pa to Sonora Southwestern for saturday night dinner and we almost didn’t get a seat because I didn’t know it was reservations only. Eventually they sat us and as luck would have it, we’re placed directly beside Madame Benito Mussolini. Some self righteous lib broad shooting off at the mouth about how Bush is a fascist and why she gets wet over Obama. She won't shut up and I don't have the heart to stick a fork in her arm. This I need to hear while trying to enjoy my steak taco dinner? LA is getting too much for me, I can live with and appreciate the ghosts on Melrose Beverly Brea Highland Sunset Vine Cienega Fairfax Cahuenga Doheny Wilshire Olympic Monica and Pico but it’s the politics of the city. It’s becoming unliveable the daily leftist hatred and stupidity you just can’t avoid. I’ll sit at a starbucks dumbfounded by forty year olds who want to stay 14 forever with the tatoos and the piercings and the frosted hair. All that sex and no children. I give myself 2 years tops before retreating to anaheim for sanctuary from the madness.


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