Thursday, April 03, 2008

Anthony got me a free ticket to George Strait in Anaheim last weekend. In Texas back in the eighties Strait was a living legend. It was said every man wanted to be him and every woman wanted to do him. When he walked onto a stage young country girls would toss their panties his way, suppose he just had that effect on people. Strait has a very commercial made for radio sound about him, very different from Cash, who could be very commercial but was above all an organic spontaneous showman. Incidentally, Strait honked out Folsom Prison during his 15 minute encore. He had on stage with him a bald fiddle player, a steel guitarist, two pianists, two back up sangers, a bass, a drummer and two telecaster pickers. Wore his stetson for the whole entire show, we had the nosebleed seats but I’m not complaining. It’s not every day you get to see Strait belt out Heartland and for free. The show hit its climax with “If it werent for Texas,” a catchy number about George’s love and loyalty to the Lone Star.

The low point of the night was actually between sets, some drunk redneck who couldn’t handle his liquor tripped and nosedived 8 sections before crashing into the safety bar, drenching the poor family in front of him with the cold budweiser in his hand. But plenty o’purty country girls with cowboy hats wiggling their tight blue jeans. Can’t forget the justin boots and silver belt buckles too. Strangely I felt at home, despite sticking out like a sore Oriental thumb. What can I say, songs about the working man, and American pride still get to me.


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