Saturday, November 17, 2007

FEBRUARY.25.08. They say that the oscars are tailored for women and gay men so why was I tuned in? I’ve watched movies all my life, why stop now. Didn’t feel compelled to see any of the nominees this year, American actors need to pick up the slack, the only one I did see was that disney princess picture with the parents. Jon stewart did a good job, he’s a man respected in liberal Los Angeles- him, Clooney, Denzel, Russell Crowe, leaders of today’s showbiz fraternity. In the old days it was Gable, Wayne, Bogart, Sinatra. Today cinema’s appeal to me is surrogate fatherhood. How to act like a man- you watch these toughguys like Garfield, Newman, Hackman, Bronson- emulate them and it helps you cope with the ugliness of everyday life.


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