Tuesday, June 26, 2007

AUGUST 01.07. A man works from 6am to 5pm at his job and he feels like he’s doing something worthwhile as there is no greater satisfaction than being paid for doing a good job that you believe in. But when he comes home that’s when he gives his time to his family. 5:30pm, the suit walked through the front door of his 3 bedroom condo and kissed his wife in the kitchen. “Honey it smells wonderful,” says he. “Don’t you dare touch those potatoes Jim Tree or I’ll tan your hide,’ says Sara. “Where’s my little Johnny?” “ Our little angel has been playing rough with the kids at school today. Look, tore a hole in his brand new blue jeans.” “Tsk tsk tsk son you ought to know better than that.” “they started it,’ said little Johnny. ‘you be the bigger man and walk away you hear? You only fight if you have no other choice… Honey do I have time for a shower? I can’t wait to get out of this monkey suit. “ “Make it a quick one sweetie, the pot roast is just about done.”

The Trees ate happily at the dining table, dinner time was their time. No television, no distractions, just conversating- how was your day- what’d you do? You didn’t discuss business, you didn’t discuss politics or religion- it wasn’t a gd talkshow, it was a family dinner and that’s how it always was. Most nights they ate in, but every Tuesday night they would go out for pizza or Chinese food on main street. Friday nights perhaps a movie together. Saturday nights hand the child to a sitter or drop him off with his school friends so husband and wife could go stepping.

After supper Jim did the dishes while Johnny dried them. Sara rested her feet on the couch and turned on the baseball game, Jim puts his arm around the love of his life and cracks open a cold beer. They talk some more about this and that. Grandma Parker’s ailing health, the Jackson’s new puppies, the new exhibit at the Getty, the upcoming Sunday barbeque with the Waltons down the street. 6-11pm. 5 hours with your family is not bad, not bad at all- that’s America for you.


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