Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A.] AUGUST 2007. God has a funny way of f#cking with your life, he must really enjoy himself up there amongst the clouds. One moment you’re happy as a clam- glad to be alive, the next moment you want to kill someone. And the next moment you’re relieved but the moment after that you want to club a baby seal. I don’t know what to think any more, just taking life day by day and not overthinking the situation. Overthinking aka aggravation leads to second guessing, doubt, suspicion- it just gets really f#cking ugly. Take it day by day. And if it doesn’t work out f#ck it. cut your losses, pick up the pieces and go back to square one.

B.] Ma is in a bad mood, dont know why- and nothing i say will change her mind. She'll get over it by next saturday. She's in one of them obstinate funks where you dont even want to try to talk to her. I remember when i lived in suncup and she'd be in the middle of one of those real pms days from hell, the only thing you can do is get up and walk out the door. In many ways men have it so much better than the fairer sex- can you imagine 5 days out of every month, snapping, where you just want to beat the f#ck out of anyone standing in your way? Guess that's the trade off for getting sex whenever you want it.

C.] AUGUST 05.07. I invited veronica to the dodgers diamondback game or the museum and she said the latter so we got ready for the getty but then something happened. she fell victim to food poisoning from the night before, subsequently, we stayed in- ordered egg drop soup from delivery and watched tv on the couch with our legs propped on the coffee table. Incidentally, the game was on tv and it was hd quality who can ask for anything more right? however, i completely missed the home run record on espn but i heard on the radio, bonds was cheered and jeered as he rounded the bases. i've only seen him play once and that was when matt brought me to giants stadium several years back. no homers. some artsy fartsies can't stand team athletics, what they dont get is the strategy the analogies manifold between what happens on the field and your day to day existence. plus if you're with company there's no better conversation-friendly show than a game. this comes from my heart, sports aside, i absolutely hate loathe and despise watching tv shows with another person- it defeats the whole purpose of being with people.


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