Sunday, June 24, 2007

JULY 20.07. Veronica and i did lunch at Du-pars on third. A quaint place, been there since before World War 2. She had a short stack with eggs and hash browns and i ordered the californian with a potato salad and a pickle. Then we went to the flea market on Fairfax and looked at some old paintings. Got some groceries for tomorrow at Trader Joes and went back to her place- a good sunday. Now that i'm a westside dweller i find myself admiring constantly the greener grass in West Hollywood. Venice Samo has the ocean but what else? less traffic and 5 degrees of relief but there are other things that bug me. Trouble has a way of finding me and i'm more than happy to accomodate her.... In life you rarely meet genuine people, real people you want to spend time with. When you do find them you don’t want to be with anyone else, just them, you don’t want to share them with lesser morons- idiots who waste your time and hog up air space. When you've found the one you want to be with, you don’t care about anyone else until he or she breaks your heart and you're forced to move on to the next one.

Currently Reading: The Deathly Hallows (2007) by JK Rowling


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