Saturday, June 23, 2007

i.} JULY 07. There's a distinct smell of rot and death in a dungeon stripped of windows, where young adults go to obtain a ged or diploma because they dropped out when the going got tough. You can get a job as nightwatchman if you dont mind the three hours, and sitting around doing jack shit. Sure the money's good but what about your soul? For me it's never been about the money, it's about the love if you dont love what you're doing you're wasting your time. there has to be another way to make a buck than to sell your soul to the devil for 20 pieces of silver. i need the supplemental income, guess i'll have to be more serious about this writing thing. treat it like a job, sit down and try to punch something out from the heart. haha. that's a good one. sometimes i crack myself up.


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