Tuesday, June 05, 2007

1.) JUNE 2007. The Bill Graham civic center was packed with asian families, especially Chinese- you'd never seen so many Chinese kids in one auditorium, prompting one to think that sfusd is really code for Cusd- Chinese Unified School District. And the mayor, Gavin Newsom made an unexpected appearance, giving a motivational speech on success and successful people. "Sucessful people," said he, " know failure and passion. The most succesful people in history were screw ups but they really loved their jobs." We did pictures with Benson outside the city capitol building and then went to Uncle Nelson's for refreshments, some sushi, some prime rib and potato salad. Grandma looked happy but i didnt talk to her this time around- how could i forget? i may go to hell for that.

2.) Worn with thick brown stains and unpleasant odors, the moth eaten green couch sat idiotically in the corner of the coffee lounge. A newcomer might have been taken aback by the debris on the floor- junk mail, discarded newspapers but everybody here was ancient. Time stood still. Several slightly retarded secretaries on break busied themselves at the dusty computers, showing their fat behinds to Terri. Terri, who brought her "I Don't do Mondays" mug to her lips and frowned. She sluggishly made her way to the counter and emptied a creamer into the beverage. "Terri, long week?" inquired Alex.
"Long life. I dont know how much longer i can take it here Alex."
"You should put in some time for vacation."
"Where can i go with 40 bucks?"
"El Polo Loco and Ross maybe?"
"Go ahead, kick me when i'm down."

3.) To quote the sage from Menlo Atherton, Fast John S, the straw that broke the camel's hymen was the inability to fix typos and errors in yerspace blog- so who needs it? Grow a pair for crying out loud! Lately the only music i can write to is old jazz records from the forties and fifties. Got some buddy hacket lounge tunes on the p3 player, the brasshorn permeating through the windows of the foggy Westside. What a night it's been. what a night.

Currently Playing: To Make you Misty (1959) by Jackie Gleason


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