Thursday, June 21, 2007

1.] JUNE 30.07. On an evening in June among what’s left of the Sunset Strip, one can still find beauty and elegance amidst the middle class if he goes through the doors of the Spanish kitchen. The waitresses and bartenders, a few fresh off the bus from dallas and Miami, exhibit a stunning beauty- understated even, you wouldn’t expect from the land where women cake themselves in garish face paint in an effort to appeal to spiky haired girly men and their own prima donna slut peers. There’s nothing more pathetic than an aging beauty who tries to hide her years, deceive the world with face paints and cheap perfumes, it’s a sign of cowardice. Can’t you age with grace and accept the wrinkles and crows feet and saggy turkey neck, and deal with it. Tom, Dick, and Harry met at skitch for margaritas and a few laughs. The waitress offered a tray of chips and served them a plate of cold ones. Espn in the background something to stare at. It was a place to “pick up girls” but the girls never received the memo. Next stop, house of blues, saddle ranch, cabo’s, and pancakes at the belly up standard. A walk past the “body shop” a cheap strip club in an otherwise classy part of town and finally settling in the lobby of the old argyle hotel for a midnight martini.

2.] 6.28.07.Career Inc has a higher turnover rate than flap jacks at IHOP. During today’s bon voyage extravaganza, the females failed in their struggle to hold back the tears while the men were impartial even happy at a long-awaited retirement- 25 years at a place, it really grows on you, like a fungus. I had a piece of carrot cake with my colleague Veronica and we hobnobbed at the tables of the staff center. Attending graduation was a hard sell. I can understand why people would rather get a root canal- and the calling of the names is murder, especially if you dont know anybody involved. Some colleagues got smashed royally at the tailgate party for the event. It was supposed to have history but it was like any other happening with 5,000 people and a brass section. We said the pledge and listened to the national anthem performed ceremoniously. Parents with balloons and flowers blocked the aisles and i've even heard stories of kids who don't have any family here in los angeles whatsoever. They're living with a friend or on their own. No mother or father to cheer them on as they walk across the stage and take their diploma. Can you believe that, not having anyone there to shake your hand and pat you on the back?

3.] Monday through Fridays, I can deal with- I’m actually enjoying the salt mines quite a bit but these last six months were arguably the worst ever. Kids are lazy, they’re impertinent, it’s hard to really get anything done but the good news is- on top of the worksheets and quizzes and textbooks, fundamentally, my pedagogy rallies around relationships between the kids. My kids get to know one another. When they’re done with formal education they’ll have their jobs but they need those life long contacts, friendships they made over the years.... The drawing room, the largest of rooms at Career Inc was unusually well attended today by union members due to the fact that it was an election for chapter chair. Old timers are retiring hanging up their spurs and they need new blood behind the reins. They talk a good talk these would be leaders, and I’m usually lost when I listen to them. All I know is how to put together a "stimulating" lesson, this politics among the captains fails to invigorate me.


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