Sunday, September 26, 2004

A.) OCTOBER 2005. My roommate nate does not need sleep. He had an exclusive close friends only halloween party last night deep in the Hollywood hills. He came back with a pack of swingers at 6am. i know this because that's exactly when i was prompted to stuff two towels in the crack under the door and jam two earplugs in my head. He and his friends spent the next 4 hours or so talking about loose women they just screwed and who was a surebet to take the heisman, then a call on the blackberry. ..I took the 110 down to Huntington Beach with a bottle of wine and a bag of twizzlers for Anthony's Halloween pow wow. I met his teacher friends and knocked back a couple frosties and sat pretty for the rest of the night listening to adventures on the Blue Line which passes through Inglewood, Watts, Compton and is the transportation of choice of a psycho who gets his rocks off popping his glass eye out. I've lowered the bar at work- makes life so much easier.

B.) On Saturday we had a funeral service for my late grandma. Karen and Burt put together a slide show for the wake.

C.) I happen to live on the second floor and a nice balcony shaded by palm trees. This place almost burned down two years ago when Nate's' friend dropped a lit match on the floor and went inside; you can still see black smoke stains from the accident. Last night, Cody got drunk and jumped off our balcony with a beer in his hand. he left two monster footprints on the grassy lawn in front of our landlord's room. At the party down the hall i met a couple of teachers sucking on coronas from out of town- Chicago and Jersey to work in Beverly Hills.

D.) Last weekend i braved the Five and returned to the Bay Area, visiting my ailing grandmother. It's not easy getting old- never was. Gramma is bed ridden and has all kinds of tubes sticking in her. She greeted us with a smile. Ma gave gramma a hair cut in her nursing home in the city. The place is very depressing but since when are nursing homes a bundle of fun. Rebecca had a birthday on Saturday and we had a meal that could choke a pig in Daly City. Chris and Qui were there too. The weekend prior, Chris brought me to the chic dance club V20 in Long Beach. one of the best night clubs i've been to so far. Thumping beats, erotique dancing, strobe lights, go-go dancers- who could ask for anything more. fellas beware- don't wear sneakers or you may be banned. In other news I got tickets to see Jay Leno at the NBC studios in Burbank. The special guest was Jessica Alba. she's got bad posture, needs to sit up straight. jay can't shine conan's shoes when it comes to comedy but he's a much nicer guy. He came out to greet us before the show in a denim outfit. He broke the ice with the studio audience and took a few polaroids with us before strapping on the monkey suit. Arnold Scharweznegger, Nick Lachey, and Billy bob Thornton made cameos to sign the katrina bike. The nbc studios is only a few miles from where i 'm shacked up.


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