Saturday, September 18, 2004

A.) JULY 2005. Almost four weeks have gone by since i left for los angeles. I still have no internet but there's a guy coming in next week to set up the phone jacks in my room in west hollywood. Maybe i took it for granted that everyone uses internet in this day and age. But my partment mate- he checks his email at work downtown and he doesnt have much use for it at home. Nick has a birthday party this weekend and next. Work what can i say about work. There are many cats who are plain fed up with the higherups and how things are run. I went to my first union meeting today and cohorts were pissed about overcrowded rooms and hellraiser kids. At Career Inc for the most part, you really are more of a cop than an educator. When i was younger, I fancied working at an inner city school b/c of those bleeding heart lib ideals. Today i don't know how much longer i can take it. My assignments are not particularly big but the kids i deal with don't want to be here. To make matters worse, it's near impossible to throw out the troublemakers b/c the bureau wants us to be sensitive.

Basic things don't work- like textbooks and copy machines. you want to do a good job but you can't because nothing works and every thing is broken or covered in graffiti. But it's not all bad. there are kids who genuinely want to learn and you see the lightbulb going on and it sends the message- you're not completely wasting your time. so that's my job. you get one hell of a workout yelling and acting like a zookeeper. after work i get a chance to work on my cooking skills or lack thereof. so far chicken is a popular selection. Fowl mixed with something green (brocoli, spinach) and washed down with a cold glass of milk. Depending on my mood, the microwave is another way to have a fast and hearty meal made up of leftovers. i do dishes as fast as i can and will often eat in front of the tube- a lazy habit that i'm trying to fix. the other night i parked on the sunset strip and went to Cabo's- they dish out a killer steak burrito there and what's more- the waitress who served me was some supermodel in training. Yet on the whole i haven't see too many people my age around the freeplaces (coffeeshops, bookstores, the mall)- everyone's either too old or too young. my peers will cluster around la cienega, sunset strip, melrose, hollywood barneys. on nights i don't feel like cooking i'll go across the street- astro burgers on smonica. Hillary Swank drove directly to Astro's right after she won her oscar. As far as celebrity sightings- i've only seen that black guy who does anti-piracy ads in the movies. "you steal a candy bar from a store or download a movie- it's stealing" that guy.

B.) Made it through the first day of work! Things are going slowly but surely- I still haven't found a place yet but Uncle Scott and Maria are very generous sharing their home with me. I didnt expect paradise when i got here and that's what I have now. Some things are good, some things suck eggs. For every 8 good things that happen, 2 terrible things happen. It takes great will power to focus on the eight and ignore the 2. Still it would be nice to have my own place. i feel like a river rat carrying his life in the back of his trunk. getting a place would be easier if i wasnt busting my onions all day at work. Commute was ok- 30 minutes in the morning. could be worse. my classes are small too. i need to do something fun this weekend. from the 10 freeway to the comfort of your home.

C.) Brian forwarded this email from Manila weeks ago:
The Philippines is hot and humid but nice! I never knew I could sweat so much. Sweat drenches my body and my clothes like every two hours, we really have to drink lots of water and eat salty stuff. Yesterday, Sunday we visited one of the communities named welfareville, and attended Church there. I was blown away but how the people live, they don't have running water, their is so much pollution, waste, the weather is really hot and it rains, and yet these people make a really great effort to appear presentable and clean.... In Manila there are 18 million people, and in each of these poor communities like 200-300 families pack in a block. I praise God for the privilege and chance to serve Him and serve amongst these people. It's been a challenge for my team to unify with our different personalities and styles, but praise God, as we pray together each day, and do activities together, God has been sharpening and stretching us, and working on our character.


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