Thursday, September 16, 2004

I.) JUNE 2005. So it happened and i haven't had any time to enjoy it because i've been so busy scrambling from one task to the next. By the way, i have to get ripped off at a medical clinic in 45 minutes to prepare for my new job. Yes I got a new job! It's in the heart of LA and I'm moving early next week! The whole interview process happened so fast. A barely air-conditioned building in South Central. A small cramped room with one window. 80-90 sweaty adults in business suits waiting in silence and fear to be interrogated by the powers that be. Luckily i went in and out and hit a homer on my first at bat. My employers to-be liked what they saw, recognized i could read and write and said congratulations we want you at our place. But i'm not out of the frying pan yet. I still don't have a permanent place to stay and my current employer is pissed off that i didnt give them 2 weeks notice, and i have a rash on my left buttcheek but i'm moving to LA!!!! In one week's time i'll be a rested happy camper.

II.) These days writing feels a lot like skating. i do it for a 1/2 hour and have some fun. When it gets boring i quit. I've stopped beating myself about writing. As strange as it sounds, i actually find more joy in preparing for class lessons. it's much more interactive the Q&A sessions between you and others. When you boil it down- writing is very much a solitary activity... I just read an interview with David Chase head writer of the Sopranos to leech off some inspiration. His family name was Decesare before a relative americanized it. i've put some thought into a pen name for myself but at the rate i'm going now maybe i won't even need it. Suffice to say, writing becomes a chore way too often. And when it becomes a chore forget about it, just go out and skate.

III.) School's almost out. Back to working on the script on unemployment. Michael just submitted a short story about one man's brush with 9/11 and Ken just finished directing a successful play in New York. I feel like such a slacker, but the fact of the matter is that it's very difficult to juggle two canteloupes at once. I have my job job and my hobby job to balance. The hobby job takes a back seat to the job job, but what a job job it is. I'll miss the coworkers. They had spirit, energy, showered me with farewells. ... In other news Friday night I was invited to Gabe's birthday party at Stanford where I met his fiancee Jen. Later we went cosmic bowling to further contribute to kicking my self esteem in the crotch... Brian and Matt are in the Far East saving souls- we'll be praying for you... On a sadder note, condolences to Karen, Burt and Uncle during this difficult time. Auntie was a great lady.

Currently Reading: Top 10 Los Angeles
Catherine Gerber


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