Tuesday, September 14, 2004

1.) JUNE 2005. Josh has been moaning for a new post so here it is- Memorial Day weekend was a full plate loaded with tomatoes. On friday we hit blue chalk near stanford and watched a young woman give her boyfriend a lap dance right in front of us. We didn't "get any bites" but imagined how cool it would've been if we did. I dropped him off, went home, hit the sack, and watched nypd blue until i conked out. That's the kind of show that makes you wanna be a cop.... On Saturday I met with Jennifer at Santana Row and we talked about the new chapters in our lives. it's a fresh start in our careers and everything is new again. Later that evening we cheered for Rebecca in Davis. Sunday I went to see gramma and a family friend from Stockton and played frisbee with Benny and Leo. Great dim sum by the way. i entertained about 15 different shrimp dishes. We visited auntie 2 as well- Please keep auntie 2 in your thoughts; she's going through a tough time.... Monday was spent with Woody up in the Marina. He showed me his bachelor pad and i turned green with envy. I guess Sully is setting up a hot dog stand franchise in Phoenix. we should have a reunion, bring all the guys back together, just like the old days. Meanwhile i'm packing my things in my mind- what is essential? what can i buy down in l.a? wow. this is really happening.

2.) I just completed the 800 pound gorilla portion of my internship at work- that's a full load off my chest. But it's not over yet- in this business you can never be too sure about anything until the last minute of the last day, and even then- don't hold your breath. With my luck, disaster will strike fierce without a moment's notice. Who gives a crap anyway? you do the best you can, and if that's not good enough f#ck em all. that's what i've always said. In other news we gave blue chalk another shake and after determining that it was the Silicon Valley Sausage Convention, got out of there met up with Sri for a quick gab and then counted sheep until the morning.

3.) I visited Victor and Christina down in northridge this weekend. they were both very busy with school but managed to tolerate an hour in west hollywood with me. We all got a closer look at the gay male nightlife. Gay men seem more civilized than straight men at bars and clubs. Darius Josh and i were at a straight bar in san jose and nearly got a piece of wood shoved up our collective asses. I scoured the west l.a. scene and have decided that the best place to live is between venice and santa monica. in between these two beaches you have a section of town that is a good blend of rich and poor. plus it's really close to ucla and hollywood....hollywood blvd at night is a scary place indeed. it's like busloads of thugs come in from inglewood and watts and crash on the sidewalks across from the kodak theater just looking to pick a fight. i noticed it's better one street up on franklin avenue. i'm still looking for that right niche in between getting hit on by gay guys and getting tossed over the side of the road by gangbangers.


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