Sunday, September 12, 2004

I.) JANUARY 2005. I'm going to LA. i need to go somewhere different and do something new. i feel a terrible claustrophobia here, like water that's been sitting in a moldy plastic bucket for 4 wasted years. And when i'm down there will it suck? yeah sure, but at least it'll feel like i tried to get myself out of this hole. Having said that, we had an "incredible" time in Gatos last weekend- gorgeous underwear models. decent female to male ratio. beautiful rejection when this hot genentech gal told me to piss off eat shit and die.... Josh is back in town after 15 years. We went out on the town the last few days hitting the major local attractions- santana, tres gringos, metreon, and north beach. There was a funny situation at tres gringos when a neanderthal gorilla walked up to us and tried to pick a fight. Man i really wanted to lay him out but he would have killed me in that would be the end of it. This is why i'm a big fan of the second amendment.

II.) Grampa Leon died in his hospital bed last week. His funeral is this Saturday. He will be deeply missed. The first memory with Gung Gung goes back to when i was a small child, when he was strong. He would always make this big bowl of jook for me and i wasn't crazy about jook. He fed me slowly, scooping the outside layer of the bowl first- so that i wouldn't burn my tongue. He was a good man, Gung Gung, and a caring grandfather. someday we'll meet again.


At 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all can see his caring and kindness through his quietness and his good deeds. He is now in a much better world now and he is looking upon us.

At 1:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there " Alex Shoe " --- I was in the search engines researching SEO Software when I came upon your blog..... I don't know if you are out of place in the engines, or I am out of place and just don't realize it :-)


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