Friday, September 10, 2004

A.) OCTOBER 2004. This afternoon after a 5k race at Stanford Stadium (where i watched passively and munched on Hobees pound cake), I joined Matthew T and Jason D up in the city with a number of Best Western alums. a plus in the the garlic fries department. ...Boston 2-0. I have been keeping tabs on the World Series via the radio. I became more interested in stadium sports in general after seeing the giants diamondbacks game with Matthew and Brian months ago. i'm fascinated by the avid fanbase- the feeling of being a part of something bigger than yourself. ... My dinners with dear pa pa are typically filled with awkward silences but today we ventured down memory lane and swapped snapshots of chinese school from the eighties- oh the agony of weekend torture sessions by the Seng On Market. There was a teacher who brought gifts for the top three students at the end of each semester including a diary, two composition books, and a pink or blue hello kitty pen. The girls won every year i think. ..There's a saying among schoolmasters- don't smile until May.

Currently Playing: The Snow Maiden- Dance of the Tumblers
by Rimsky Korsakov


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