Wednesday, September 08, 2004

1.) SEPTEMBER 2004. Over the weekend, I met up with Michael W and homestead running buddy Darius S. and we decided upon Yankee Pier at glamorous Santana Row where Michael ponied up $30 bucks for a halibut the size of an anchovie. If he was upset about this he didnt show it-Michael and I, we met doing track in the seventh grade, and we went to Yosemite science camp and then said our goodbyes- different high schools. Darius i've known since the 4th grade, he was the one with the brady bunch magic show idea. He's a funny guy, ought to do stand up.

...What a drive down I- Five to Diego to see Brian move into his new place at Roosevelt. It's a real clean sexy place, a cat's swing to the library and student union. On campus, Brian showed me the hill where he almost killed himself with that old p.o.s. skateboard. 20 paces from where he fell there was a marked tomb of the last guy who died skating down that same hill. The weekend's highlight was at the Diego Zoo watching the hippopotami dance underwater. It was amazing- this one potami flipped over on its back underwater and farted two huge air bubbles out of his nose! The panda bears were tiny and the polar bear was on crack dancing back and forth. In addition to moving in, sightseeing, and Costco-Ranch 99 slumming, we hit the Diego beachfronts like regular beach bums. La Jolla cove at sundown, got attacked by wet dogs at Del Mar, enjoyed a curvy woman practing yoga at the Pacific. ... Saturday Matthew, Brian and I took the muni from Giants Stadium to Judah in the late afternoon- it was a sunny sunny day as we passed the pier & ghiladerhi square, seeing tourists flock towards lemonade stands in groves. who needs cars when you have a bus full of strangers. We spent the day at the ballgame as the Giants came from a 7-1 deficit to best the Diamondbacks 9-7 by the bottom of the eighth. Kudos to Matthew and the charity of his Chico comrades.

Currently Playing: Waterloo Sunset
by Ray Davies


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